Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wow Summer is over Fall has begun!

We Both have been Busy I had a couple of shows to do other then the one in July both
in Aug! Mom has been painting, keeping up with her garden(watering they have a drought) she says too hot for much else! I have Been taking a lot of photos of my work getting ready to list more on my etsy shop and I will be adding New Works on MY Mom's shop as well! I add a few photos here for you to enjoy!
Mom and I have both gotten a bit Garden Crazy ! Hers went well this spring, and summer ! You will never guess where she made one in? Her Above Ground Pool, she didn't want to use it as a pool couldn't sell it so she made a garden there! shes really had a good time planting and reaping especially the Japanese eggplants,Peppers,yellow pear shaped tomatoes, green pole beans,herbs, even some potatoes! She is happy and says she gets more exercise out of it then when she swam in the pool ! The Biggest Plus the deer can't get to it! She as well as I like to have fresh veggies! We joined a yahoo group for organ homesteading that has been very helpful this fall! Here is their link if you like to garden or want to learn more! Thanks to the folks there , and Mom I was inspired to get dirty again and started a Fall Patio Garden! I will take a few photos later to share! I put in cabbage, lettuce, chives,parsley, bay leave, celery,and of course when I went to the nursery the bargain bin of plants called and I saved some that just needed dead heading and transplanting ! Oh let me not forget my Organic Garlic I had shipped fro KY! I cant wait to have some of that come march! I rescued my old cat wind chimes and decide to do a face lift on it! I will wire wrap some beads onto it and paint it some! I take a photo to share and post here when i am done First i had to scrub a lot of rust off it it was hand crafted from copper and steel originally! Well my fingers hurt so I will write more later ! Life is Art Whereever ,what ever you do ! Enjoy and come back and see what else we are up too! Victoria

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